July 29th, 2009 | Category: Everyday Life, Families, Photo of the Day

PHOTO OF THE DAY – July 29th

Can you believe this month is almost over? And what’s more, more than half of 2009 is behind us.

Today’s image is one I just printed and wrote to my mother (then forgot to add photos of my eldest son after I told her I was adding them!)

a beautiful rose for my beautiful mother

a beautiful rose for my beautiful mother

Mom got transferred into another room in the nursing home yesterday, mainly because they needed the bed in the room she was in. Since her staff infection, she has been in isolation and her roommate was removed from the room so she wouldn’t contract the same, meaning one bed was setting idle. They moved her into a room with another patient that also had the same type staff infection. All was good – until she found out that her new roommate babbled constantly without having anything meaningful to say, so it wasn’t necessarily conversation as much as it was noise. Understanding that this is no fault of her new roommate is easy for an outsider to cope and deal with, but when you are with it constantly and came from an almost silent environment, this is very difficult to adapt to. Today my mother was in tears and got only about one hour of sleep last night.

It is a gut wrenching thing to hear or see your mother in tears. How do you comfort her?

Perhaps a rose, a word of encouragement, a photograph to take her mind off things . . . oh, how all of us wish we could take her home.

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