August 19th, 2009 | Category: Everyday Life, Photo of the Day

PHOTO OF THE DAY – August 19th


Opportunities ~ they exist everywhere, one must be but willing to acknowledge them . . . . . .

Today is no exception for me. Mail is delivered to my house at various times throughout the day, it depends on the carrier assigned by the postal service – true for any postal route, right? For my condo sub-division, there seem to be about 3 different carriers during any given week.

Today, mail came in a little after 3:00pm and I just happened to be near the mailbox at the time. I received two letters that belonged to my neighbors, one of which I have met and worked with in the past, the other I have never met. Easy, I simply redirect the letters to their rightful owners.

Upon delivering the letter to the neighbor I had never met, I discovered her wonderful garden and the many whimsical decorations that adorned it . . . and I fell in love with it! To the point where I was bold enough to ask her if I could photograph some of the things in her garden. She was very agreeable, and I went back a little later when the sun was not so contrasty. Here are some of the treasures I found . . .

a bejeweled stained glass butterfly

a bejeweled stained-glass butterfly

a wired dragonfly

a wired dragonfly

a whirly-gig butterfly

a whirly-gig butterfly

same whirly-gig, just a different angle and rendition

same whirly-gig, just a different angle and rendition

a blue crystal ball

a blue crystal ball

a close-up of the blue crystal ball

a close-up of the blue crystal ball - if you look close, you can see my reflection in it

a pair of rusted steel shoes

a pair of rusted steel garden shoes

same pair of shoes - they look very uncomfortable

same pair of garden shoes - they just look very uncomfortable

wired butterfly, ready for take-off

another wired dragonfly, ready for take-off

yet another dragonfly, rusted in place

yet another dragonfly, rusted in place and the paint long since disappeared

. . . and just think, I would have missed all of this had the mailed been delivered correctly!

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