August 2nd, 2009 | Category: Cameras and Lenses, Photo of the Day

PHOTO OF THE DAY – August 2nd

A simple post today. And a single image. These were a bouquet of flowers on the table of a home I went to visit during the day.

We were actually testing my new camera, the Canon 5D Mark II. This image was shot at ISO 800, f/4.5 at 1/15th sec. As you can see, even with my elbows propped on the table, I could not hold the camera steady – there is a slight blur to the image, but because I didn’t go out to shot more during the day, this is it – this is the photo of the day. I has been converted to infrared with a ‘touch of chocolate’ tinting.

flowers on the kitchen table

flowers on the kitchen table

Don’t know what the large flower is, but the smaller ones are bright red gerber daisies. When converted to infrared they becomeĀ  much softer and the effect of natural light also takes on the softer appearance.

This is not always the case though with infrared conversions. Sometimes there is a huge addition of grain into the image, especially in harsh lighting conditions and extremely shallow depth of fields.

I have been toying with the idea of converting my older Canon 10D to infrared so that the images come straight out of the camera as infrared captures. But have decided against it since finding two tools that do it in post: one is a Lightroom preset from Kevin Kubota and the second is the preset found in Photoshop CS3 & CS4 under the Black and White conversion tool. Both are excellent and leave the original capture intact.

Besides, had I converted the Canon 10D to infrared capture only, as once this change is made to your camera you can’t undo it, when my Canon 5D went in for repair, I would have had no backup camera to shoot with. Hindsight is always 20/20, isn’t it ? ? ? ! ! !

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