August 6th, 2009 | Category: Everyday Life, Families, Photo of the Day

PHOTO OF THE DAY – August 6th

Every where I go there are surprises. Some make me smile, some trigger sadness, some create wonder and amazement, some evoke curiosity.

Today’s image is a reminder – to keep in touch – sorta like the old AT&T ad, “reach out and touch someone you love”. It reminds me of the note cards I try to write to my mother every day, though lately it has been every other day.

I was walking along various storefronts on the main street of a small town south west of Santa Barbara when I passed this wrought iron fence with all the small hanging placards on it. And instantly it elicited reminiscent thoughts of my mother during her convalescence and the notes I write to her as she once did for so many shut-ins throughout the years.

If you know me at all, you would know how painstakingly difficult it was for me to refrain from going closer and getting detailed shots of the birds and placards – but since this was in the entry way into the small shop, I thought it best not to block it or photograph without permission.

notes on the fence

notes on a fence

That’s it, one image, but it reminds me so much of how I now try to reach out and touch my mother: from California to Rhode Island ~ I love you Mom.

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